Game Monitor Guidelines

Enforce the Sidelines

It’s tempting to let play continue even though the ball has gone over the touch line or end line. Our experience is that this will quickly get out of control, with play continuing far afield or even on the next field. Instead, you should strictly enforce the field’s boundaries. Kids will quickly learn to stop play when the ball goes over the touch line or end line.

Throw-Ins [Under 7 & Under 8]

Try to encourage the player throwing in the ball to do so quickly. While it’s tempting to ignore violations of the throw-in rule, kids will only learn the proper technique if we require it of them. In particular, whistle throws in which the back foot is off the ground at the instant of ball release and also insist that the throw come all the way over the head with both hands on the ball. When you do whistle a bad throw, quickly explain the error and allow the same player as many re-throws as it takes.

Quick kick-ins [Under 6]

Try to get the ball back in play quickly. Encourage the player kicking in the ball to do so quickly. One reason why kick-ins can take a long time is that all three players will want to take the kick-in. As your team’s representative on the field, you get to pick who takes it. Talk with your coach about how to pick the kicker (e.g,. strict rotation, whoever’s closest, etc.).

Positive Encouragement

Try to encourage the players on the field (both on your team and the other) with lots of positive comments. It’ll be hard to resist a little on-field coaching, and that’s okay. But be sure to keep the comments positive.

One-Sided Games

If one team pulls ahead by four goals, the coach of the team that is ahead is required to remove a player until the goal differential is less than four goals.  If they forget, it is the Game Monitor’s responsibility to remind them.  It is not acceptable for the trailing team to add a player instead, as this results in over-crowding of the field.


It is the Game Monitor’s responsibility to track the time and end the half, but it can be helpful to get a parent on the sideline to remind you if you get too caught up in the excitement.

Have Fun!

If the kids are having fun, then you’re doing a great job! Maybe you should consider taking the Referee Class and becoming a licensed referee!