ASC coaches are required to review and complete the Coaches Practice Fields Use Agreement prior to being issued a practice field permit.
Please print copy, fill out information, sign, and email this form to:
This ensures that the ASC coach follows all the procedures and takes responsibility for the equipment and field they are using.
Information about Practice Fields/Times
Available fields for spring practice are; Atlantic 1 (full), Atlantic 2 (U9/U10), Multipurpose (U11+), Hornet (full)
Typical Practice times are; U9-U19 two days a week 1 1/2 hours per day at 4:00-5:30 or 5:30-7:00
Available fields for spring practice at Alameda Point are M/W and T/Th at either 6:00-7:00 or 7:30-9:00
U7 and U8 Practice and games will be played at Rittler field
U8 Practice time is once a week 1 hour, U7 Practice time is once a week 1 hour. Typical times are 4:00-5:00.5:00-6:00, 6:00-7:00.
Practice field permits are required for all coaches and teams. Coaches are required to complete a Coach’s Practice Field Use Agreement.
Coaches are required to return and lock up goals after use.